Baby Care

Baby Care Tips for New Parents

Bathing - Until the navel (and circumcision) is healed, wash your baby by sponging. After healing use an infant bathtub. 
• Face - Wash with plain water, soft cloth and no soap
• Ears and Nose - Do not attempt to cleanse the inside of either ears or nose
• Mouth - Do not cleanse
• Head - Your baby's head should be lathered gently. Work from front to back to keep soap out of the eyes. Be careful of the soft spots but give a good soaping.
• Body - Use any mild soap, be sure to wash in the creases, rinse well and pat dry.

Skin - Most babies develop a slight rash on the face, head or neck sometime during the first few months of life. This is transitory, usually disappearing in three to four days and does not require treatment. The diaper area is also prone to rashes. 

Between Baths - Keep your baby clean between baths. It will help to prevent irritations and will keep your baby tidy and sweet. 

Navel - Keep it clean and dry. A gauze square may be used; apply alcohol by cotton-tipped applicator if the cord is sticky or oozing. Sometimes after the cord falls off, there may be a few drops of blood, but this is no cause for worry. If foul smelling discharge or redness develops around the cord, call the office immediately. 

Circumcision - Watch for swelling or bleeding. Use sterile petroleum jelly affixed to plain gauze as a dressing and replace with each diaper change until healed. 

Care of Diaper Area - Change your baby's diaper as soon as possible after each bowel movement or wetting. Wash the diaper area clean with a soft cloth and soap and water and rinse with warm water. Pat dry with a clean, soft cloth and apply ointment to protect the skin. Do not use powder; cornstarch types promote yeast infections and talc types are not good for the respiratory system.
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